Puppy Preschool
What is Puppy Preschool? Puppy Preschool classes are a vital part of raising a healthy, happy puppy. In a few short weeks, a puppy learns the lessons of a lifetime. Puppy Preschool will dramatically improve a puppy's behaviour and its relationship with you, the proud...

Microchipping your dog
Microchip Identification- for your dog Why do I need to Microchip my pet? We all hope our own pets will never stray from home and get lost, or even worse be involved in a road accident. We should never assume this won't happen to our own pets. Many stray pets never...

Microchipping your cat
Microchipping Your Cat Why do I need to Microchip my cat? We all hope our own pets will never stray from home and get lost, or even worse be involved in a road accident. We should never assume this won't happen to our own pets. Many stray pets never see their owners...

Insurance for your pet
Pet Medical Insurance Why should I Insure my pets? Did you know that you can now take out medical insurance for your pets? Were you aware that it can cost well over $1000 to have a fractured leg repaired and in complicated cases much more? Far too often we still need...

Flea allergy
What is meant by the term flea allergy? In spite of common belief, a normal dog experiences only minor skin irritation in response to flea bites. There will be very little itching, even in the presence of dozens of fleas. A dog, which has become allergic to fleas on...

Fear of Fireworks
Does your pet have a fear of Fireworks? As we all know, fireworks make distinctive noises. Many humans find the constant bangs and whistles around bonfire night unsettling, so imagine what that must be like if you had the sensitive hearing of a dog, and nobody could...

Exporting your cat or dog to the UK
What you need to know if exporting your pet to the UK. The UK PETS Scheme, allowing the entry of pets into the UK from NZ, has certain requirements. These are outlined below. Please read carefully. The entire process of preparing your pet for transport to the UK will...

Exporting your cat or dog to Australia
Guide For Export Of Dogs & Cats To Australia It is advisable to make an appointment with one of our vets at least one month before travel to discuss export requirements so that unexpected delays can be avoided. Prior to travel, please consider these restrictions:...

DNA Profiling for pets
We are all familiar with the uses of DNA testing of humans for identification of individuals and genetic profiling for certain diseases and traits. This technology is now available for our pets. No two individuals, other than identical twins or clones, share the same...

Desexing your puppy
Details of De-sexing your puppy. Desexing removes the sexual urge from both dogs and bitches. Unless you are serious about showing or breeding, desexing is recommended for pet dogs living in an urban environment. Owners are often tempted to have at least one litter...

Dental Care and Periodontal Disease
What is Periodontal Disease? Periodontal Disease, a form of Dental Disease, is a painful inflammatory condition involving bacteria attacking the gums, ligament and bony tissues which surround and support animals’ teeth. Most periodontal infections begin with plaque –...

Caring For Your New Kitten
Congratulations on the purchase of your new kitten. Kittens are a lot of fun, but also a big responsibility and we hope that we will be able to help guide you through the different life stages of your kitten’s development. The relationship you develop with your kitten...

Whats the topic for today? The heart and what sorts of things can go wrong with it Are animal hearts the same as human hearts? Not all animals but all mammals have the same basic heart design of four chambers with valves between the chambers and also valves at the...

Health Insurance For Your Pets
Whats the topic for today? I’m going to talk about health insurance for pets You mean to cover vet bills when they get injured? Yes but it’s not just for when they are injured, its for all those ongoing vet bills for things like skin problems and heart disease too. So...

Guinea Pigs
Whats the topic for today? I’m going to talk about the Cavy today The what? The Cavy. Thats the scientific name for the guinea pig So what can you tell us about guinea pigs. Well they originally come from the Andes in south America and they can still be found living...

FIP- Feline Infectious Peritonitis
Whats the topic for today? Feline infectious peritonitis known as FIP for short Ok and what exactly is FIP? It’s a fatal viral disease of cats. By fatal do you mean there is no treatment? Yes that’s right. It’s fatal in 100% of cases with no treatment available How do...

Feeding Bones to Your Dog
Whats the topic for today? Bones- Feeding of bones to dogs Dogs love bones don’t they. Is that a good thing for them? Bones are undoubtedly good for the teeth and also provide a lot of enjoyment for dogs but they can also cause problems too. What sort of problems?...

Eclampsia Puerperal Tetany in Bitches
Whats the topic for today? Puerperal Tetany in the bitch. That’s a very technical name? Does it have a simpler name? Yes Eclampsia. Well that’s no better. What is it? It refers to a dangerous drop in blood calcium levels that can occur around the time of whelping....

Dogs Urine
Whats the topic for today? Dogs Urine Oh great! And what aspect of dogs urine are you going to talk about? Im going to talk about how it burns yellow patches on the lawn. Ah yes that is a very annoying problem isn’t it. Well its certainly a problem that we get lots of...

Dogs on Utes
Whats the topic for today? A totally avoidable cause of injury and death in dogs What cause is that? Falling off the back of a moving vehicle Is that something that happens often? Too often! It shouldnt happen at all! I’ve dealt with 3 cases since Christmas which i...

Whats the topic for today? Well I talked about dogs urine last time so I couldn’t resist following that up with a talk about diarrhoea. Bring it on, I’m sure our listeners can cope! So what causes diarrhoea? Lots of things. I did a search on the web and came up with...

Whats the topic for today? I'm going to talk about colitis in dogs What exactly is colitis? It simply means inflammation of the colon I know the colon is part of the intestines but can you tell us a bit more about it? The colon is the last section of the intestines...