Feline Spey

Feline Spey

Why should you spey your cat? Speying your cat is an important part of basic cat healthcare. Speying at a young age prevents mammary cancer and spaying at any age prevents unwanted kittens, noisy heat cycles and possibly even urine marking in the house. Unless you are...
Desexing your Kitten

Desexing your Kitten

Why do I need to de-sex my kitten? Desexing removes the sexual urge from both male and female cats. Unless you are serious about showing or breeding, desexing is recommended for all pet cats. Owners are often tempted to have at least one litter from their female cat....
Grooming Your Kitten

Grooming Your Kitten

Why Grooming is important. Long haired cats require frequent grooming to prevent “matting” of the coat. It is a good idea to get long haired kittens used to being gently brushed right from the start. Grooming equipment should be specifically designed for...
House Training Your Kitten

House Training Your Kitten

How do I house train my kitten? For the first few weeks you will need to provide your kitten with a litter tray for toileting. This should be placed in a quiet but accessible place away from the kittens eating and sleeping area. The litter tray will need cleaning at...
Training Your Kitten

Training Your Kitten

Why training your kitten is important. Although cats have a free spirit and in many ways rule their own lives, it is possible to train them to display desirable rather than undesirable behaviour patterns. Cats respond to a loud, stern “No” or a squirt from...