Feline Castrate

Why do I need to castrate my cat?

Castration or neutering refers to the procedure of removing the male sex glands, the testicles. Castration reduces the sex instinct, fighting and night prowling so common to the male cat. Unless you are serious about showing or breeding, desexing is recommended for all pet cats.

  • Roaming – more than 90% of cats will reduce this behaviour with neutering
  • Fighting – more than 90% of cats will reduce this behaviour with neutering.
  • By reducing fighting the risk of abscesses and contracting the feline AIDS virus is greatly reduced (currently it is estimated that 14% of the New Zealand cat population is infected with FIV)
  • Urine marking – more than 90% of cats will reduce this behaviour with neutering
  • Feral population – desexing the male cat is essential to prevent a further increase in the feral cat population

Remember that cats are night-hunters by nature and while castration will stop the tendency to compete for females, it will usually not diminish the cat’s natural tendency to hunt.

When Is The Best Time To Castrate?

Our clinic recommends castrating male cats at 5-6 months of age, prior to puberty. If you are wanting to neuter for behavioural benefits it is best to do this prior to puberty as once a hormone-triggered behaviour has continued long enough, you can be dealing with a firmly entrenched habit that will not fade even after neutering

What Happens When a Male Cat Is Castrated?

As the operation is performed under general anaesthetic it is important that no food is given from 7pm the night before the surgery, and no water is to be given from 7am the morning of surgery.

On the Day
  • Patients will be presented at the clinic for surgery admission between 8-8.30am
  • A pre-operative evaluation is performed
  • A sedative will be given under the skin to ease the induction of anaesthesia and provide pain relief
  • A small patch of hair will be shaved off one of the patient’s legs so that a medication may be given intravenously to induce sleep.
  • Once asleep a tube is placed down the throat to ensure that a clear airway is maintained throughout the procedure.
  • In the surgical prep area the testicles are shaved and scrubbed ready for surgery
  • Two incisions are made into the scrotum, each tube tied, cut and testicles removed. No sutures are required in the skin.
  • A trained, qualified nurse will monitor the patient’s depth of anaesthesia, membrane colour, heart rate and respiration and throughout the surgery.
  • At the end of the surgery another Injectable pain relief will be given which will last 48 hours.
  • The veterinary nurse will remain monitoring the patient until fully recovered and they will be kept in an observation room until able to walk.
  • The patient will be able to go home the same afternoon.
What to Expect at Home
  • Most feline castrate patients go home the same day as if nothing happened, some nausea may occur in the first couple of days after surgery, and it would not be unusual for the cat to refuse food for a day or two after surgery.
  • Sometimes a cough is noted after surgery; this may have been caused by the tube in the throat and should only last for a couple of days.
  • Activity should be restricted during the week following surgery as excessive activity can lead to unnecessary and prolonged swelling or fluid accumulation under the incision.
  • Rechecks are usually not required as healing is so fast in male cats.