Dental Care

Good dental care is vital for your pet’s good health. Just as with people, neglect of the teeth and gums can lead to gum disease, bad breath, teeth loss, inability to eat, and even life-threatening infections.

At The Vet Centre Marlborough, we offer a complete dental care regime to make caring for your pet’s teeth easy. Our range of over-the-counter dental products for cats and dogs include:

  • Foods that are designed to help keep the teeth clean whilst providing a complete and balanced diet
  • Chew bars and toys
  • Toothbrushes and pastes

We are also happy to provide advice and recommendations for your pet’s specific needs.

We recommend regular dental de-scaling, polishing and maintenance of your pet’s teeth. This usually involves a day-stay visit for your pet and a general anaesthetic to allow a thorough examination and dental treatment. Our modern dental machine includes an ultra-sonic descaler, polisher and high-speed drill to provide your pet with safe and effective dental cleaning and treatment.

Your pet will come home with a follow-up plan that may include dietary recommendations, paste and brushes and chew toys to help keep those teeth clean and healthy for many years to come.